Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Mayan Coast

Tulum is one of the seven resort wonders of the world.  As you know, Tulum is the epicenter of western yoga.  No, the epicenter is not Los Angeles.  Tulum is where yoga is purest.  Where meditation is deepest.  Where the echoes of the ages from forest and sea penetrate.

But this is not about Tulum.  This is about Puerto Morelos, which is up the coast from Tulum.  I led a sand yoga class at the leaning lighthouse during the recent full moon.  Afterward, a group of us stuck around for a meditation session.  And here's the thing: it was the deepest, most expansive meditation I've ever had.  So, on a hunch I've been back to that little rectangle a couple of times and each time I've repeated that depth.  Does this mean that yogis and yoginis should move their practice up the coast?  I think the answer is yes.  I don't have a bulletproof explanation, but I know that there is something special about that location.  My best idea is that it is closer to the Chicxulub site of the meteor that killed off the dinosaurs.  Could be the high iridium levels.

What should you do?  Go to Puerto Morelos and meditate.  Tell me what you experienced.   I think it's time for a spiritual meteor to wipe out the current crop of hideous Puerto Morelos resorts so a new race of yoga resorts may flourish.


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