Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Mayan Coast

Tulum is one of the seven resort wonders of the world.  As you know, Tulum is the epicenter of western yoga.  No, the epicenter is not Los Angeles.  Tulum is where yoga is purest.  Where meditation is deepest.  Where the echoes of the ages from forest and sea penetrate.

But this is not about Tulum.  This is about Puerto Morelos, which is up the coast from Tulum.  I led a sand yoga class at the leaning lighthouse during the recent full moon.  Afterward, a group of us stuck around for a meditation session.  And here's the thing: it was the deepest, most expansive meditation I've ever had.  So, on a hunch I've been back to that little rectangle a couple of times and each time I've repeated that depth.  Does this mean that yogis and yoginis should move their practice up the coast?  I think the answer is yes.  I don't have a bulletproof explanation, but I know that there is something special about that location.  My best idea is that it is closer to the Chicxulub site of the meteor that killed off the dinosaurs.  Could be the high iridium levels.

What should you do?  Go to Puerto Morelos and meditate.  Tell me what you experienced.   I think it's time for a spiritual meteor to wipe out the current crop of hideous Puerto Morelos resorts so a new race of yoga resorts may flourish.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Carmen Sandiego

If I've done my math right, it's been 4 months since the last post.  Many may wonder what's been going on.  Many may wonder how few 'many' truly is.  Well, the truth is...  Let's just say that it became necessary to amscray for a time.  After a good deal of soul searching and paying for rides with a thumb, I found myself in a faraway land.  A land blessed with warmth both climatic and toward the healing arts, of which yoga is a distinguished member.  For reasons not specified I can't tell you where this land is, only that it exists and that I'm still in it.  Thanks to the warmth I spoke of I've been able to survive.  I barter yoga and meditation lessons for all my needs: chickens, pigs, People magazine, the local microbrew, and most recently a gently used laptop.

I have a new idea in the pipeline that combines my newly aroused interest in reflexology with asanas.  I've designed a yoga shoe with adjustable pressure nodules on the insole that, when combined with a custom asana regimen, will perfectly stimulate your reflex points.  Imagine clearing your sinuses while in tree or fixing your bowel disorder with a perfect warrior pose.  The origin of ideas has always been of interest to me.  This one came courtesy of a pebble lodged in my flip-flop.  I keep the pebble, lovingly perched on a mound of sand, for inspiration now.

I want to thank everyone who's kept in contact with me over these very trying months.  I don't think I could have made it without you...or your pickups.