Friday, October 8, 2010

New Class Announcement: Yo-Gas!

We're very excited to announce a new class here at Cheever Yoga.  We call it yo-gas!

We recognize there are many out there who want the flexibility and balance that yoga practice brings, but who also want to burn calories while doing it.  So, in order to provide an outlet for these sweataholics we've come up with this new class.  It differs from our standard classes by incorporating weights, aerobics benches, and any other suitable equipment.  And it doesn't fall into the "yogalates" category.

Some of the exercises are:
-Hopping tree: hopping on and off an aerobics bench in tree pose, alternating feet in mid-air.
-Frisky dog: down dog-chataranga-up dog cycles; one cycle per breath
-Happy superbaby: happy baby pose reps done with 5 pound weights resting on each foot.
-Ultimate warrior: a warrior I-II-III sequence with rows done with a 15 pound weight in the off arm in the warrior III phase
-Pony: cat-cow stretches with a partner sitting on your back.

Bring your Polar F4 heart rate monitors and watch the calorie count skyrocket.  Liz, who has a background in yoga, pilates, and all manner of physical exertions, will lead this high energy class.  Tell your friends to join us...if they're tough enough!

No sweat stain no gain!


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