Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Yoga Class Dos and Don'ts

While those of us in the yoga community are pretty darn laid back, there are a few things that do get our backs up (other than cat stretch).  As Liz mentioned in her post on setting an intention, yoga is about you, only you.  Class is your time.  It's when you focus only on yourself, leaving aside your daily cares.  So the yoga don'ts are things that contradict this intention.

DO come to class on time.  Arriving late means you've let your daily cares eat into your time.  And that's just not right.  Late entry can disturb newer students who haven't yet acquired the ability to maintain focus.  And there's nothing worse than a sudden draft of winter air in the middle of camel.

DON'T eat within an hour before class.  You don't want to upchuck in down dog.  And, speaking of opening doors, to avoid starting a draft yourself avoid dairy products, nuts, lentils, etc.  And especially avoid cabbage and cauliflower since they'll make your draft an ill wind.

DO go to the bathroom right before class.  I don't have to explain the whys and wherefores of this, do I?

DON'T forget your eye pillow.  Savasana just isn't the same without it.  It really enhances relaxation, especially when lavender scented.

DO come out of your pose if you have to sneeze.  We had an unfortunate incident last night when a student in warrior I sneezed so violently that he toppled over.  Normally this wouldn't be such a big deal, but his cranium whacked a packing crate behind the loading dock.  We had to stop our intended sequence and rest in savasana until the paramedics came.

DON'T stare at other students.  Yoga is about you, not the hot chick two mats over.  Remember, this is Breast CANCER Awareness month, not breast awareness month.

DO respect the teacher and other students.  More often than I care to remember I've heard mutterings like "You've got to be sh****** me" when I call for a challenging pose.  That kind of thought and language is fine for the job site or a call with your stock broker, but not yoga class.

DON'T talk with other students during class.  Or pass notes.  Again, yoga is about you.  It's not about socializing, gossiping or interrogating others about the latest school lice outbreak.

DO turn off any electronic devices.  Think airplane takeoff.  A ringing cellphone will interfere with your personal navigation system.

DON'T be embarrassed if you do have gas.  Hey, it happens.  We are animals, after all.  If you know things are iffy before class, choose a back corner spot away from a fan.  You do not have to announce to everyone that you're having a flatulent evening beforehand, although it's a great way to increase your personal space!

DO keep within your limits.  Stretch, don't strain.

DON'T show off.  You aren't in class to prove how superior you are to everyone else.  Yoga isn't a spectator sport (with a few regrettable exceptions), so nobody is paying attention to you anyway.  As an intermediate or advanced student, don't attend a beginning class for the purpose of humiliation.

DO commit yourself to savasana.  Often times people lose focus toward the end of class, turning their minds to their to-do list.  A good savasana is extraordinarily revitalizing.  Really sink into it and lose yourself.  You'll thank yourself later.



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