Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gotterdammerung in Tulum

Last night I had the students in my hip openers class for select youth from Arrowhead Regional Corrections say a few extra shantis for Tulum, Mexico.  We have a number of good friends down there whose lives and livelihoods have been threatened by storm Karl.  Karl marks the first time the yoga retreats of the Mayan region have been targeted since hurricane Friedrich engulfed them some years ago.

As the storm made landfall I happened to be talking with Mauricio Krishnamurti, who runs the food and beverage service for Maya Tulum.  He said a few guests had voluntarily evacuated, but that most thought this a once in a lifetime opportunity to commune with the capital forces of nature. 

As we chatted he described the developing scene.  A flock of students made for the beach and took up positions facing the storm.  They began a warrior sequence to open their chakras, moving from I to II and back as rain began to beat upon them.  Some stumbled in the growing wind, but most held steady.  Some crazy student then tried warrior III and the others, eager to avoid appearing lesser, followed suit.  Just then the wind changed direction and surged and they began to spin like tops.  One crashed into another and soon the sand was strewn with fallen bodies.  The wind surged again, nearing hurricane strength, and Mauricio commented on how bits of lycra were ripped from the wrecked assemblage.  He described how he felt as if he were in a ticker-tape parade.  When he finally caught a glimpse of the students through the aeolian fragments, he said juicily how it seemed to have turned into a tantra class.

And then the line went dead.  We fear for him.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om Tulum,



  1. Dallas,
    Seen you around town and always wanted to ask if you have any advice for stretches particular for deer hunters. The season's approaching and after the terrible bagging of 2008, I figured anything might help. The ex-wife and I have been following your blog here and think it's a fine way to reach people but kinda miss the thoughts you used to post at the SuperOne. Also couldn't agree more with your keen observation that the mayan yoga retreats are specifically targeted by mother nature.
    See y'around,
    Donald Wayne Cassidy

  2. Hi Donald,

    I'm happy to tell you that Liz will be offering a special class for Fall outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen at the Backus Centre next Wednesday evening. It will include stretches for all areas used in hunting and stalking. Check it out. And don't be afraid to bring your ex, if, that is, there isn't a restraining order.

    Inspiration comes in many forms. While we enjoyed our regular postings at the Super One, we feel the Internet is the wave of the present and future.

    Surfs up, dude!

