Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Washout Here We Come

Well, it's been more than a week since the last post. And while it may have seemed the interminable dark ages for our readers, it's been even worse for me.

As Liz informed you, we've run into a bit of trouble with our lease. The esteemed management company that runs our strip mall and condo complex believes, quite wrongly, that we have violated the terms of the lease by holding classes after 10pm. We have some reason to believe that we're simply victims of a power play by an interested party. I'm not at liberty now to say more. I've engaged our lawyer, one of the Borderland's finest, Ken Wasumata to untangle the issue. Ken has assured me that they haven't a leg to stand on. To add to our optimism, his partner, Kimiko Sosumi, is in full agreement and behind us 100 percent.

Until this matter gets put to bed, so to speak, we will need to seek temporary quarters. Hopefully we can nail down one spot, but we have to be prepared to don sheets and saddle up the camels. I sincerely want to thank Ron for allowing us to borrow some of his precious real estate. That was very touching. And I'd like to say that despite the adverse circumstances, we had a great turnout for the event last Friday. And you know what, the cycling sounds of the washers were as good if not better than standard yoga flute music.

So, during this last week, Liz, Shatra, and I have been scouring the area for a temporary alternative location. International Falls being what it is, odds are we've run into you in this search. Yoga is a vital part of the community and deserves its rightful home. If you can help, let us know!!

Again, I'd like to thank our law firm of Wasumata, Sosumi LLP for all their efforts in the battle to get us back where we belong.




  1. Howdy Hey Dallas,
    Good for you for gettin' the best dang lawyer in the Frostbite Falls area. I've personally known Ken since his comedy troupe days when he and Lars Uthamata had their stand up show at the Holiday Inn over there on Route 71. The ex and I were having a laugh just the other night about their "Wasumata? Uthamata!" routine. Ken's a funny guy. I think he was making a yoga joke when he said your management company doesn't have a leg to stand on. That's the kinda guy Ken is.

    Anyways, best of luck finding a new location. I don't know of a place off the top of my head but I'll ask around at next week's soup supper at the community center.


  2. Hi Dallas,
    I was so sorry I missed the open house last Friday night but when Peter rear-ended the seniors van (I think he was texting and didn't see the light turn), the front bumper of his fancy car got caught under the van's wheelchair ramp. It took hours to untangle his car from the van and his cell phone from his face as the air bag was rather unforgiving.

    Anyhoo--My daughter Wendee was at the yoga event (she asked me to thank you again for the spin cycle mixed tape) and told me she overheard Liz talking about an underachiever's yoga class. This sounds like the right class for me so I'd like to know how to sign up!

    My best to you, honey--- Wanda

  3. Hey Wanda.

    I think Liz cleared up your confusion over an underachiever's yoga class. Along those lines, a few years back I was working on deal with the Falls High cheerleading squad. In return for various favors they were going to call themselves the High-A-Cheevers. Sad to say something came up and the deal came to naught.

    Hey, you know Chaz Kopinsky made that sound recording at the laundromat. It could be a big hit on youtube. Go there and give it a thumbs up!

